Friday, February 8, 2013

It's been two years

So I guess I owe everyone an update.
I graduated from DaVinci Academy of Science and the Arts and moved here:

Good old Seattle. I've struggled with many things, but I feel as though my life in finally gaining some sense of order. I've started taking weekly figure drawing classes, and I take pictures of pretty things in my spare time. I've come a long was as an "artist in training." Moving into the real world has shown me just how hard it is to make it. Through my two-year hiatus, I feel as though I have gained meaningful experience in fields I never would have imagined myself working in, theatre arts being one of those. Yet I have found myself pulling together a professional portfolio to send in to 5th Avenue Theatre and a film company located in Vancouver.

I celebrated my 19th birthday a few weeks ago and am now in possession of fifty pounds of clay and the right tools to sculpt faces. That being said, I am completely ecstatic about it. I feel as though sculpting is one of my strengths, so it really feels great to be moving forward with it.
Overall, I still stand by my position mentioned previously. It's all about being positive. Two years ago, I never, in my right mind would have thought I would be here, living with my significant other and progressing toward my dreams, but here I am. You have the power to do the same. It takes a great amount of patience, and in the end it turns into the most rewarding sense of worth. I urge you all to follow your dreams and never give up on yourselves.