Thursday, May 6, 2010

Chain Reactions

It plays a significant role in human life. Music inspires, influences and creates a state of mind where anything is possible. It fills the void of whatever predicament life has thrown at us at any given moment. It controls our emotions, making us feel a multitude of ways we never thought existed. This element of music is what drives the creative genius inside us all to physically generate the crazy ideas just waiting to burst from our skulls. In many ways, the ideas behind music and visual art coincide. They influence each other. The musician gathers and retains information from the visual artist and interprets it vocally, and vice versa. The same could easily be said for writing. Many authors get their inspiration from songs.
I see this as an endless chain of positive events, something comparable to the domino effect. Each element of art gives new life to another, like each "genre" holds a mutual relationship with the next. Art, being a wide umbrella of possibilities, has the ability to unify people. Whether it be music, visual art or writing, there will always be someone who enjoys the same things you do, and that someone will just so happen to know someone else who has the same interests, and so forth. You are never a lone soul in the world of art.


  1. So, the idea bird is chirping in my ear. Design Team should come up with some sort of collaborative art project that fuses visual art, music, and theatre all in one.

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